Reflektion v 53 – 2016

Bosse HultqvistReflektion, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

Reflection 2016 – Leadership by Believing in people
For us it is a time of seriousness and happiness when we reflect over the past year. Remembering all the meetings and moments we have had during 2016. Meetings where people and organisations have taken developing steps.
When we look at the world at large, there have been unfortunately several tragedies and bad incidents during the year that affect us all. There are, however, even more positive initiatives and events large and small scale that we choose to focus on. When we pay attention, and give energy for everything good that happens, it strengthens us as individuals and organizations to ensure that we continue to have the energy to challenge the destructive in the world.
Our guiding principle in our daily work is our management philosophy, believe in people. A philosophy where we, in the depths of ourselves, honestly believe in people, that everyone is willing and able to contribute to the good, that everyone can take responsibility for themselves, their development and their mission in a context larger than him or herself and his or her work.
Leadership by Believing in people is also about clarifying the basic vital values that lead us, as an individual and organization, instead of fear, selfishness and control taking over. When vital values permeate the leadership of ourselves, in our families and in our organizations, a leadership with integrity develops. We are clear about our choices, what we stand for and how we view our surroundings. This builds security and trust in us as leaders and people. It also reduces stress both in ourselves and in those we are set to lead.
During this year, we have experienced how people and organisations have developed by clarification of their basic vital values. This has such a powerful meaning that leads to more people and organizations experiencing wellbeing and a better world.
With this reflection, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This year’s Christmas gifts we have given to vulnerable children in Romania, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, that’s mediated through the Swedish Church.


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